Parents Hire Fornite Tutors for their Kids – What’s Next?

According to a recent article published in People Magazine, some parents have started hiring “gaming tutors” to teach their kids how to improve their gameplay using FortNite. Yes, you read that correctly!

Apparently, not only is there peer pressure at school for these kids to be better FortNite players, but some parents are hoping their kids will get good enough to win prize money or get scholarships to colleges that have “gaming teams”.

Hmmm…whatever happened to parents hiring tutors so their kids can get better at reading or math or science? If we train the next generation to be great at gaming, but we neglect to teach them skill sets that are actually useful for the society/economy at large, who is going to do the crucial tasks like food production, medicine, engineering and so on?

I guess we’re hoping our robots will do that.

Read the full article here: